Monday 15 September 2014

Facial Cosmetic Surgery- Know about Wrinkles and Wrinkle Treatments Anna Nagar, Chennai.

Cosmetic Surgery Anna Nagar, Chennai

This fact sheet is for those who want to treat wrinkles or know about wrinkles.

What is wrinkle?

The fact is that as you grow old your facial muscles get loosen and your skin becomes less elastic. This normally generates lines and folds called wrinkles.

Causes of Wrinkles:

Its a natural ageing process, though other factors that influence wrinkles are UV rays from sunlight, smoking, unhealthy diet and stress. Smooking cause the skin dry and give way to wrinkles at early ages.

Wrinkle Treatment Chennai

These are some factors that cause the skin to wrinkle.

UV (ultraviolet from Sun)

The areas of skin which are more exposed to sun is likely to get wrinkles fast, such as your neck and face. The UV rays from sunlight damages the DNA in your skin cells causing the skin to age.
To a certain extent exposure to sunlight is good as your skin use the sunlight to produce vitamin D. Vitmain D is good for bones.


Smoking causes your skin dry and restricts your blood vessels. This retricts the supply of oxygen and several nutrients to skin. Smoking may cause to break dowm collagen- an enzyme that nakes your skin look good. Due to this people who are addicted to smoking have a great chance to get facial wrinkles at early ages.

Treatment for wrinkles:

The treatments for wrinkles make your skin look smoother and youthful. Some common treatments are

Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic Surgery is best for reducing the deep wrinkles and sagging skin. Face lift surgery is lifting up your facial tissues and skin to look tighter and brighter. This can be done on your whole face, lower face or neck only.

Good results are achieved only when you maintain a stable body weight and strong bone structure

Cream and Gels: Though the creams and Gels wont permanently remove the wrinkles, they have been scientifically proven to work best. Evidence can be sighted that some creams and gels that contains retinoids (Form of Vitamin A) are best to counter the early signs of ageing.

Make sure that the usage of these creams and gels is not overused. Since it makes irritation to skin.

Chemical peels: The chemical peels that consists of glycolic acid is good to improve the texture of skin on your face.

Laser Facial Resurfacing: Laser treatment is purely based on the skin type. It an be effective in reducing mild scarring and the effects of sun damage like the line and wrinkles.

Other wrinkle treatments are as follows: Botox injections and Dermal filler injections.

Decide to have wrinkle treatment?

Before you decide for the wrinkle treatment its not wise to go immediately for the cosmetic treatment. Its Good to have discussions with a highly trained and qualified cosmetic surgeon. Understand the gains and what you expect after the treatment.

Cosmetic Surgery is the best option for removing the sagging skin, extra fat and bigger wrinkles.

Looking for best Cosmetic Surgeon ?

If you are residing in any part of India or chennai or you are a visitor to India, don't rethink on getting the best treatment on facial cosmetic surgery at Sparks Dental Centre chennai.

Why Sparks?

Highly skilled and experienced team of doctors and professionals make Sparks a successful in dental and cosmetic procedures. 

To know more on various wrinkle treatments available at Sparks visit

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Facial Cosmetic Surgery Chennai